April 26, 2009


Most of you may think a little less of us for saying this (if you care) but we are Lakers fans. We're from southern california and the Lakers are our team.  Even though we live outside of California and will probably live in several different states during our lives the Los Angeles Lakers will always have a special place in our heart.  

Here's why:

When we started dating, we nurtured our relationship with Laker games... after a few months of being friends, I would invite Kevin over to watch Kobe and Shaq battle it out with Tim Duncan and the Spurs during the Western Conference playoffs.  It was there, watching sports in my living room, that we both realized it was meant to be (not really, but we grew comfortable with each other).  Kevin even claims that we had our first kiss after one of those Laker games, although I remember it differently.  

So during the playoffs this year Kevin and I have returned to our roots, and have started watching and rooting for the Lakers again. We've really enjoyed that they are playing the Jazz because it sparks many conversations/arguments with our Utahn friends, whose beloved Jazz are their only professional team in the whole state. It has been pretty fun--it's good that we both like sports, and it doesn't hurt when Kobe scores 38 and we win by 20.   

Go Lakers!


  1. GO LAKERS!!!!!!! Stew is a HUGE fan, too! Glad to hear the Lakers brought you two together.

  2. I can just picture high school Kevin and Bree watching Lakers games together...haha so cute.

    Also I wanted to tell you that we went to trader joe's yesterday and thought of you!!! We got some random stuff that we're excited to try...and a very nice man who said he was born in Jamaica talked to us. So I think you could say we are now trader joe's converts.
