April 19, 2009


Yesterday we went up to Logan for Kevin's track meet.  The weather was perfect running weather and he qualified for Western Regionals in the 400m hurdles!! 

For the past few weeks he's been working really hard to qualify...last week he missed it by 2 tenths of a second (what is that? like a blink of an eye or something?). Since he was so close, I knew he would get it this week.  

Anyway, regionals is huge track meet for all of the schools in the West where participants must run under a certain time to run in the meet.  The regional qualifying time for the 400m hurdles is 52.50 and Kevin qualified with a time of 52.06.  

The regional meet is at the end of May at the University of Oregon (where they had the Olympic trials for track and field).  If he does well in that meet he could go to NCAA's.  

Here he is after the official times were posted. (I made him do the thumb)

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