July 6, 2009

June 15-July 12

It's been a while since we last blogged. Bree asked me to write this blog. I'm writing this while she watches the Bachelorette...it's distracting me. Does anyone else watch that show? Do you think it's weird that she kisses four guys on a single date? I don't know why Bree watches it; she just said "This show is so cheese-ball!"

Anyway...Bree asked me to catch "everyone" up on what we've been doing the last couple of weeks. While we were at school I was consumed with preparing for my circuits final and with track. Bree worked in the Pinnacle call center, taking phone calls from sales reps and setting up accounts.
Track season finished really well. We went to the NCAA championship meet at the University of Arkansas for the 4x400 relay.  The track team paid for Bree to go, so that was awesome. I enjoyed having her there with me. 

The meet was really fun to watch, but I'm not going to lie, I was super nervous all week (we didnt run until Thursday evening).  Here's what happened: I ran the lead off leg in lane 6.  To my outside was LSU (they hold the NCAA 4x4 record); on my inside was Baylor (who has won like 8 of the last 10 4x400 championships), so that just added to my nervousness.  In the end we all ran very well and even pr'd by 2 seconds. Our time was 3:06.60, and it was the third fasted time BYU has ever ran. The best part is that we're all coming back next year.

In other news we came home (to California) at the end of June and have been busy working ever since.  I'm working as an intern for Southern California Edison... a public utility company; they provide electricity to most of southern california and Bree is working as a PR intern for one of the supervisors of Los Angeles.    

Here we are on our first day dressed in corporate attire... I look like I'm wearing a grade school uniform or something..

Other than that we have been spending a lot of time with our families.  Our parents houses are in the same neighborhood so every other night we eat with each other's family.  Also, my family has recently added this little guy into the mix.  

He's a handful, but we love taking him on evening strolls around the neighborhood.  

Annnnd, that's all for now. 


  1. Ah, so much I could say in response to this post. First, I'm glad you guys finally finished it and posted it, ha ha. Also, yes I agree with you guys that the Bachelorette is cheesy/immoral and weird...but I definitely still watched it on Monday. Did you watch it Bree? What did you think?? Also, congrats Kevin on the track meet!

  2. Okay, I watch the Bachelorette faithfully and have many similar feelings/comments and still can't manage to tear myself away from it's all-consuming reality grasp. Ah! Love that you guys are having fun at home. Adorable pic of Bree and the cute pup.

  3. I love the picture of you two. its so cute. We miss you guys and are excited to have fun in the fall!
