January 26, 2010

My Cute Husband

Last Friday as we were leaving school to go home for the weekend Kevin tells me that he forgot to do a lab and had to stay for at least two more hours to finish it up.

Ugh... seriously? Two hours?

Despite my discontent, I decided to stay with him so I could be with him/hurry him along. So, off to the lab we went.

The Clyde Building is an interesting place... a smelly place, with eerie hallways, no windows, and weird people. Such is life for engineers I guess.

I'm glad I went though... I got to see Kevin in his element, as a lefty lacking fine motor skills, work on this circuit with so much pride and concentration.

He is so driven and willing to do whatever it takes to get things done to excel in school, even late on a Friday afternoon when technology is working against him and I am nagging him. I admire his willingness to forego precious sleep time in the morning to wake up early and study so that he can dedicate himself to me in the evenings.

And even though I whine when he tells me he cant meet me for lunch, I appreciate him when he spends that time studying and says "Don't you want me to get a good job when I graduate?"

Two hours and some serious programming malfunctions later, we left (5:15pm). I was hungry and cranky but Kevin was as calm as a cucumber. He's so much better at seeing the big picture.

I love him!

ps. I'm needy, I know.


  1. Haha I totally was in your same boat! Seeing Nathan in his element in the Clyde was so funny.. (Also I would be needy and want him to hang out with me too haha)

  2. wow. I am so impressed. Can you help us with the electric lighting at our place...
