August 23, 2009

A Whole Year!

Today marks our 1-year anniversary!

It's so surreal to think that this most
magical day in our lives happened a year ago.

Time sure does fly!

But, to the many of you who have asked or are wondering "how's married life?" Which is obviously a question asked out of courtesy than genuine curiosity (nobody REALLY expects us to tell them anything other than our marriage is going great) it is wonderful and we really couldn't have asked for a better time living and sharing our life together.

I love Kevin so much and look forward to living through the days as the "how's married life?" question develops more fully into "how many weeks are you?" or "how long until your missionary comes home?" You get the idea.

But until then, let's reminisce on our life pre-marriage.


  1. Congrats of the 1 year anniversary! I can't believe we are done with our time in Provo either! I'm glad you guys have a blog though so we can keep in touch. When are you going to Europe?!

  2. Congratulations, and your dress is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
