These first few weeks of school have been pretty hectic: adding and dropping classes, revising and following graduation plans, getting back into reading and homework mode, tending to household chores, and JUST getting back on schedule has been a major adjustment.
Okay, I know that's not all that bad BUT after spending the whole summer living at home with our parents where all meals and grocery shopping was done for us, school work was non- existent (although work was), and the living was verrrry easy... getting back to a regular routine has taken some getting used to. Sigh... (pathetic, I know).
I'm happy to announce, though, that today's add/drop deadline will ensure that next monday we will have a concrete schedule to follow for the rest of the semester.
Complaining aside, I am very grateful that we are still in school. After a whole summer of full-time jobs I can definitely say that we are not ready to be nine-to-fivers. Not yet anyways.
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