January 15, 2010


I have a new found respect for Lady Gaga and her provocative wardrobe choices. I've always thought that she was an Amy Winehouse, freak of nature kind of musician who was completely strung out on drugs. But I was wrong.

Today Gaga (her prefered name) was on Oprah and completely explained why she dresses the way she does. She calls her wardrobe an "artistic vision." Much like any other artist, be it a musician, painter, sculptor, etc, who has a message to tell in every piece of art that he or she creates, Gaga's music and wardrobe has a message and purpose.

I think that's really neat and I was actually really inspired by her message. She seemed so genuine and passionate about her work as both a musician and artist.

I guess it's never really fare to judge a book by its cover.

Did anyone else see Oprah today?

1 comment:

  1. yes! I felt the same way. I liked her so much better after I saw her on Oprah!

    She still scares me a little though... but not as much as she used to!
