May 18, 2010


Since we moved into our new house we have become a "no TV" household. The wholesome principles behind refraining from watching TV partially motivated us, but mostly it's to save money. We never thought we could actually do it; it all started out as a "challenge" to live without TV for a month. We are coming up on three months with no TV, and we are going strong...sort of.

Every once in a while we crave TV, kind of like Bree's cravings for chocolate. It comes to us suddenly, usually right after dinner. When I see the sink full of dirty dishes, there is nothing I want to do more than to sit on the couch and engage in mindless entertainment. We don't care what we watch...we just want to watch. And when that craving is not fulfilled it leaves us feeling empty inside. Internet shows do a good job of filling our needs. (We are huge fans of The Biggest Loser.) We also enjoy freeloading at our friends' houses. The occasional get-together to watch a playoff game has become a regularity (thanks Evansons and Harts).

So, are we doing better? Or have we just replaced our own TV with internet shows, facebook, blog-stalking (Bree), and our friends' DVRs? Well...we read more. The other day I was reading the Economist magazine and learned that the average American watches 37 hours of television per week! We are happy to say that we don't contribute to that statistic. Also, I am more responsive to Bree when she asks me to help her in the kitchen or take out the trash. When we had TV she literally had to stand in front of me and block my view to make me listen to her. I was so annoyed.

One of the biggest benefits of being TV free is that we have more opportunities to share meaningful conversations.

Although we appreciate the benefits of not having TV, we are considering starting up again so we can watch the World Cup. Once we get it, TV will probably stay for good. Should we get it? Bree thinks not.


  1. we don't have tv either! we just got bunny ears to hook up to the tv. so far we only get 2 channels: the evangelist channel and the spanish one. we'll be watching the world cup in espanol!

  2. Way to go! TV is such a waste of time. We only use ours to watch movies. Hope you two are doing well!

  3. we didn't have cable for a whole year after we were married... you never have time for it anyway. we end up buying the whole seasons 1 & 2 series of Heroes :) NETFLIX is the way to go!
