May 24, 2011

A Forced Spring Outing

The storm(s) finally subsided this afternoon leaving the sky squeaky clean.  When I got in my car after work it was uncomfortably warm but it felt too good to be true so I didn't dare roll down the windows.  I knew that we would have to take advantage of the warmth even if it was just for the evening because, lets be honest, there's no telling when this Utah weather will finally decide to turn to Spring.  At this point, I'm guessing we'll probably skip Spring altogether and jump into Summer.

Anyway, we made plans to hit up the local snow cone shack while we were on our evening walk with little Louie.  By the time we were ready to go the sun was low in the sky and the temperature was rapidly dropping.  I second guessed our plans to go to the shack but  there was no way I was going to let the cold ruin my idea of a perfect Spring night.  I told Kevin that we should bundle up and so we did.  We had a short conversation about whether we would allow our little Louie to be one of those dogs who wears dog clothing but Kevin vetoed it.  He may be purse-sized but he will not be wearing clothing-- at least not for now.

It was a nice stroll but we most definitely shivered our way through the icy slush(ies).  We prematurely threw our snow cones away and headed ran home. I think we're pushing our luck but it was totally worth it!  It was a time well spent with my boys (totally cliche, i know!).

*the photos above were taken a few weeks back during the aforementioned "Sunny Saturday" weekend.

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