May 29, 2011


What kind of new mamma would I be if I didn't post periodic updates on our little man? I don't have stats or percentiles but I do have a few other points of interest (at least to me) that I want to share.

Lets face it... we have a little puppy on our hands and with that means pee and poop on them too. Turns out potty training a puppy is hard.  It's definitely easier said than done.  I have done a ton of reading on the best ways to potty train and, so far, nothing has worked.  Consistency, I've read, is the key.  But who has the energy for that?  Ha, it's been interesting to see ourselves react to certain situations.  Let's just say consistency, cruel and unusual punishment (aka. crate training), and patience are a work in progress for us.  Oh well, he'll get the hang of it some day.  I hope.

Life with a pup is definitely different.  We take evening strolls around the neighborhood, frequent the park, mop and vacuum at least once a day, and say things like: "I have a piece of poop in my hand where should I put it?!" all too often.  Not to mention how we freak out when he is out of sight for fear that he is off peeing somewhere. We often joke that this is great "basic training" for when we have a baby.

This weekend has been the challenge of all challenges, though.  Traveling with a un-potty-trained puppy is more high maintenance than I anticipated.  Lets just hope that housekeeping doesn't notice the yellow pee stains on the bedspread.

Per Kevin's request.


  1. Oh my gawsh that last pic is amazing. Your little guy looks like a bundle of love ;) Thanks so much for offering to help us with the move. I would have taken you up on it, but we were so unorganized. You guys should come visit us in Hawaii this summer! Not kidding.

  2. I am in love with your dog. He is so cute. I love his carmel color! I want a dog but bryan will never let me!!
