June 6, 2011

Best of Provo: Station 22

Is there a word for pre-nostalgia?  If there is we have a case of it.  Our time in Provo (err, Utah) is dwindling down and we are trying to cherish our last couple of weeks here.  I never thought I could/would be melancholy about leaving Provo, yet eager to leave.

I'm looking forward to the adventure that Washington DC will be for us, but I will miss our usual small-town spots.  

On Friday night we met up with our besties for dinner at Station 22, one of our all-time favorite joints, for what was a pretty perfect summer night.  We walked there from our house with Louie in tow and enjoyed a fab dinner on the patio with the music from the Rooftop Concert Series playing in the background.   They make a great sandwich but their fries are to-die-for and have officially become our weakness.  Sometimes we'll stop by for a basket of fries on our evening walk just because... even after we've already officially eaten dinner at home.  They're that good.  And for the record: we went there twice last week.



  1. We'll have to hit up Station 22 when we get back. I hope it can stay in business; that spot has had a tough time retaining tenants. It's the local businesses that give P-town (and every town) it's flava!

  2. Thanks for the mention and for your compliments! We're sorry to see you go to DC! Oh, and thanks to people like you, people like A. Verzello will almost certainly have a chance to come see us. We're now doing great and almost out of the woods!
