July 28, 2011

It's Offish

My diploma arrived in the mail last week!  I've been done with classes for several months but being done with school never really felt legitimate.  I had been fully prepared to receive a notice saying that I had more classes to take, which, you should know happened twice! But, no...the proof is in the pudding, my diploma is here. 

So what's next for me? I'm hoping to join the workforce and become a sugar mamma nine-to-fiver while Kevin is in school. Preferably, a low stress office job at George Washington so we can commute and take our lunch breaks together. 


  1. yay! congrats! um... spencer's diploma hasn't arrived yet, i'd better get on that or he may never get it! can't wait to visit you guys in DC!

  2. Woo hoo! Frame that baby! (Or at least do something more exciting than leave it packed in a box in the back of the closet...)

  3. Congrats! Diplomas are wonderful things. Good luck on the D.C. job hunt.
