August 17, 2011

Washington DC

I thought the day would never come when I'd say we're here; Washington DC is officially our home.  We flew in late Saturday night with 4 large suitcases, two carry-ons, a dog, and a whole lot of naivety.  The past few days have been all but a walk in the park.  Washington DC is a convoluted city with little mercy for green drivers like us. The grid system in Utah is heavenly.

Besides spending way too much time lost, we have spent the past couple of days shopping for essentials, assembling IKEA furniture, unpacking our clothes, and site seeing. Our apartment stands completely empty until our truck arrives sometime next week (fingers crossed) so we have yet to completely settle in.  

We have, however, been to the Shake Shack twice this week.  My friend Lia told me that it was the In N Out of the East coast, better even (if you can believe that).  We were not disappointed. 

Tomorrow Kevin starts 1L orientation.  This is so surreal.


  1. yeahhhhhhh!!! You made it! Can't wait to see updates - and good luck Kev!

  2. I love that you guys are there! (Except for the part about how you are no longer here!) Try the salted caramel yogurt across the street from Shake Shack at Pinkberry ... it is my favorite thing! So excited to keep hearing about your new life in DC!!!

  3. so glad you guys found shake shack!!! glad you guys made it safely! good luck to kevin this week! xo
