On friday afternoon I got a text message from bree. "I honestly can't get over how pretty it is outside! I'm realizing that I've taken the sun for granted all of my life."
A winter in utah will do that to you. Last year
was my first winter in utah and I went through the same realization. After growing up in southern california the two of us have grown accustomed to sunny days. I am grateful for the cold, cloudy winters in Provo because now we can appreciate blue skies and 75 degree weather so much more.
Bree decided that we should take advantage of the opportunity and go take some pictures at the lake and up at the Y. Utah is so beautiful when it's not cloudy or raining.
Even though it was clear out, it was still quite cold (40 or so), and Bree expected it to be warmer. When we got out of the car up in the mountains she was very upset that it was so cold. I just happened to capture her facial expression at the perfect moment!
I love this one; it's at Utah Lake.
your blog is so cute. love your pics. you two are adorable