May 9, 2010

Writers Block?

It's been over a month since we've blogged and friends and family have been dying to know what's been going on around here (joke).

No, really since the move and the end of the semester we've just been lazy. It's nice to finally feel somewhat settled and not have to worry about school and I guess that attitude is spilling over into other areas (the blog).

Since the end of the semester I've picked up almost double the hours at work and Kevin is back to the grind, taking another engineering class AND surviving the track season; working hard to qualify for regionals. We're for sure feeling busy.

But don't get me wrong, we definitely get a healthy dose of R and R. Kevin loves to lounge around and spends hours reading while I frolic around the house trying to decorate. And we seem to be watching more TV than usual even though we don't actually have cable (that's a story for another post). We're currently watching: The Amazing Race, The Biggest Loser, and of course our Lakers (in the NBA finals).

In other news, the Spring weather is here and we have been fooled countless times by the ever-so-changing temperatures... I'm definitely not a fan. Needless to say we've managed to get outside and enjoy what sun we've had.

So there you have it. A little disjointed run-down on what we're doing. Things will get better, promise.
Over and out.

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